Headrest Cushions

  • Headrest Cushion
    Headrest Cushion

    Luxurious Headrest Cushion Cloudfill

    A new head rest cushion developed by Earthlite, filled with an airy layer of Cloudfill ™, consisting of a mix of airy gel and fiberglass.

    ∙ The cover is nature-friendly PU vinyl.

    € 36,00
  • Headrest Cushion
    Headrest Cushion

    Luxurious Headrest Cushion 'Strata" Cloudfill

    A new head rest cushion developed by Earthlite, filled with 2 layers.

    These cushions are extra comfortable because of:

    ∙ the Cloudfill ™ layer consisting of a mix of airy gel…

    € 59,00
  • Ayurveda (Shirodhara) Headrest Cushion
    Ayurveda (Shirodhara) Headrest Cushion

    Ayurveda (Shirodhara) Headrest Cushion

    Beautiful Ayurvedic pillow for when you do not have an Ayurvedic massage table.

    ∙ Fits almost any head rest with flat base (no Flexrest or Curve)
    ∙ Easy to attach (Velcro)
    ∙ Dim.…

    € 39,00

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